How to use

Allowing guests

Guest users are not created by default for every unauthenticated request. Instead, the @allow_guest_user decorator or AllowGuestUserMixin is used to tell Django explicitly which views may create a new temporary guest.

from guest_user.decorators import allow_guest_user

def hello_guest(request):
    This view will always have an authenticated user, but some may be guests.
    The default username generator will create a UUID4.

    Example response: "Hello, b5daf1dd-1a2f-4d18-a74c-f13bf2f086f7!"
    return HttpResponse(f"Hello, {request.user.username}!")

Each time an anonymous user requests a decorated view, a new temporary guest user will be created and logged in with a randomly generated username. The username generator can be defined using the GUEST_USER_NAME_GENERATOR setting.

Converting guests

At any point in time, the guest user may choose to permanently register with the website by using the conversion view. This will delete the associated Guest model instance for the user and prevent deletion from cleanup jobs.

Given your existing project with a link to a registration page, you can add use the provided is_guest_user template filter to check if the current user is a guest and link to the conversion page respectively.

{% load guest_user %}

{% if user|is_guest_user %}
  {# user is a guest instance, link to conversion page #}
  <a href="{% url "guest_user_convert" %}">Sign up and save your work!</a>
{% else %}
  {# regular sign up link #}
  <a href="/register/">Register now!</a>
{% endif %}

The default form is a subclass of Django’s UserCreationForm with the addition of a get_credentials() method required to sign the user in after converting.

If your sign up process requires additional data, you can change the form with the GUEST_USER_CONVERT_FORM setting. You will likely want to overwrite the template used to display the form at guest_user/convert_form.html as well.

Once a user completes the conversion step, they will be redirected to the success view which shows the guest_user/convert_success.html template. You can overwrite the success url by setting GUEST_USER_CONVERT_REDIRECT_URL.

Restricting access

While django-guest-user makes it very easy for visitors to start using your site, there may still be parts of it that should not be accessible to guests. Two additional decorators or mixins can be used to restrict access to either regular users or guests only.

from guest_user.decorators import guest_user_required
from guest_user.mixins import RegularUserRequiredMixin

def why_convert(request):
    """Show reasons why to convert, only for guest users."""
    return TemplateResponse("reasons_to_convert.html")

class SettingsView(RegularUserRequiredMixin, FormView):
    """Only allow registered users to change their settings."""
    form_class = SettingsForm

Cleaning up

Because the user sessions have a limited lifetime, guest users need to be cleaned up at regular intervals to prevent filling up the database with users and related objects that cannot be accessed anymore.

This can be done manually in the admin, by selecting the “Delete selected guests older than …” action, or by running the management command delete_expired_users on a schedule (for example using a cronjob):

./ delete_expired_users

These methods will remove any Guest users that have a created_at date older than the GUEST_USER_MAX_AGE setting. By default this is the same duration as the Django session cookie.


To prevent exceptions or data integrity errors, each foreign key to your User model should have on_delete set to CASCADE or SET_NULL.


This package provides a number of settings to customize the behaviour of guest user creation and conversion. This section will show how to use different options to better fit your specific requirements.

Temporary usernames

To generate temporary usernames for your guests that you can also show in your templates, you can override the function used to generate the username by setting GUEST_USER_NAME_GENERATOR to an import string of a custom function or use one of the provided generators.