Advanced usage

Swappable Guest model

If you want to add additional fields to your temporary guests, you can swap out the Guest model with your own by customizing the GUEST_USER_MODEL setting.


Swappable models in Django are still experimental and this feature may not work as intended as tests are only minimal.

This example overrides the guest model with a custom model to override the manager and the logic on how to create a user, which can be useful if you do not use the django.contrib.auth app.

GUEST_USER_MODEL = "my_app.MyGuest"

# my_app/
from guest_user.models import Guest, GuestManager

class MyGuestManager(GuestManager):
    def create_guest_user(self, request=None, username=None):
        # Override how to create a new User instance
        user = MyUserModel.objects.create(username=username)
        return user

class MyGuest(Guest):
    objects = MyGuestManager()